This year has seen a huge amount of change for businesses; not least of all in respect of working environments.
Long Term Working From Home
Whilst working from home represented the norm for some businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the working landscape for others; with very little notice. As such, huge numbers of businesses now have staff working from home on a full time and/or permanent basis; a distinct contrast to 12 months ago. Given the current government guidelines this does not seem set to change in the immediate future.
2020 has served as the flexible working case study many businesses were waiting for. It may therefore be part of your business plan to incorporate working from home in the future, as it can represent significant cost savings.
For any business looking to make working from home a permanent feature consideration should be given to formalising this in a formal policy.
Flexible Working Policy
Flexible working is a form of working arrangement that gives a degree of flexibility on how long, where and when an employee works.
A balance can be struck between an organisation that is committed to providing a range of appropriate working patterns, and the expectations of employees alongside management. All parties should try to be realistic and to recognise that not all flexible working options will be appropriate for all roles, but some may benefit all parties.
Given the changes experienced by organisations and employees alike in recent months, there is likely to be an increase in the number of flexible working requests. Have you experienced an influx already, or are you prepared for when you do?
You may wish to implement a Flexible Working Policy within your business. At Thackray Williams LLP we can help you with what to include in your flexible working policy, as well as considering how to handle Flexible Working Requests from employees.
An employee with at least 26 weeks of employment service has a statutory right to request flexible working. Your ‘Flexible Working Policy’ can stipulate the form that the request should take, this will help make things clear for your business and for your employee. You can also explain the logistics surrounding how your business will respond to the request so your employee will know what to expect.
Thackray Williams Fixed Fee Offer - Our Offer to You
At Thackray Williams we provide a Fixed Fee Offer
whereby we provide a bespoke advice and prepare a corresponding policy. Let us help your business push forward into 2021.
If you need assistance or advice on the contents of this article, please contact Thackray Williams LLP who have set up a FREE Legal Advice Line to businesses and employees in the wake of COVID-19. Do get in touch on 020 8663 4127 if you wish to discuss this matter in more detail or require any further advice.
This article is does not constitute legal and/or professional advice, please therefore do not rely on the contents. If in doubt please contact a member of Thackray Williams LLP.
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