Older and Vulnerable Client services

Our team of experts is highly skilled in advising elderly and vulnerable clients, bringing you peace of mind by providing practical advice on everyday issues, as well as planning ahead for the future.
A power of attorney is a hugely important document by which you can give somebody you trust the authority to act on your behalf in relation to either your finances or to make health and care decisions for you when you no longer have capacity. We also regularly advise Attorneys in their capacity as such and are very experienced in dealing with the issues which that responsibility brings.
Where a client no longer has capacity to make Lasting Powers of Attorney(LPA) we have a specialist Court of Protection section in the team who assist clients in making applications to be appointed as a Deputy to look after the financial affairs of that individual.
We also regularly assist both Attorneys and Deputies in administering their responsibilities and we ourselves regularly act in that capacity for many of our clients where they don’t have someone appropriate to take on that responsibility.
Our team is highly experienced in the preparation and registration of LPAs and talking through the decisions that you need to make when granting such a Power to ensure that what is a very powerful document does give you the support, protection and control of your affairs that you intend.
Many of our specialist team are members of The Association of Lifetime Lawyers.
To contact us with any enquiry, please fill in the following form so that a relevant legal advisor can contact you as soon as possible.