For the one off. Or for the longer term. Our specialist employment lawyers can advise on individual issues or work with you on a retainer basis.

Employees are the lifeblood of every successful business. Our employment experts can help you manage the legal side of the relationship with everyone on your team. We can also provide cost-effective, practical and commercial advice around their ongoing management.

Employment law issues have a habit of becoming costly, time-consuming and stressful if you don’t handle them quickly. But you'll be moving in the right direction if you first get proper advice. Having the right documentation in place can help you to manage risk, allow you to concentrate on your core business and protect your investment. All giving you peace of mind.

Our specialist employment lawyers can advise on individual issues or work with you on a retainer basis. For many of our clients, we're an external resource that's virtually in-house.

In the press

TES Magazine

With new law coming in to strengthen worker protection against sexual harassment, TW's Emma Thompson outlines what schools and trusts should be doing to prepare.
New law on sexual harassment: what schools need to know | Tes

TW's Emma Thompson explains why Labour’s proposed tax plans have got private schools considering their options on staff pay – but the law is clear on what actions they can and cannot take
General election: Labour's private school tax plans and the law | Tes

HR Magazine

Interim CEO unfairly dismissed after whistleblowing

Why HR needs to know about the new law on tips

How is holiday pay changing?

The Telegraph

Private schools mass redundancies

Private schools tell parents paying fees in advance 'won't protect you from Labour'

Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses

Other features

Private schools mass redundancies

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