Discrimination, bullying & harassment

Everybody has the right to fair treatment in the workplace free from undue stress or harassment. If you feel that you have received unfair treatment at work, our team of employment lawyers are here to support your claim and assist you in getting the justice you deserve.
It is an unfortunate reality that employees all too often suffer bullying, harassment or even discrimination in relation to various characteristics under which they are protected by law. The Equality Act 2010 set out nine protected characteristics as; Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage or Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex and Sexual Orientation. It's not just unfair for you to be discriminated against in the workplace - it's unlawful.
Our highly experienced team offer sympathetic and friendly advice and are here to give you the confidence to tackle discrimination head on. This can mean advising you on how to make a formal complaint to HR or your manager right through to issuing proceedings for constructive dismissal at employment tribunals.
It's often a good idea to take legal advice before taking the step of resigning, but whatever your situation, we recommend talking to one of our specialist employment solicitors today for some free, confidential, advice.
Types of discrimination
There are several different types of discrimination and other prohibited conduct set out in the Equality Act 2010 that apply to most of the nine protected characteristics:
• Direct discrimination
• Indirect discrimination
• Discrimination arising from disability
• Failure to make reasonable adjustments
• Harassment
• Victimisation
• Instructing, causing, inducing and/or helping discrimination
In limited circumstances, some of the above examples of discrimination can be successfully defended (and held to be lawful) such as where there is an occupational requirement for the alleged discriminatory action, where an employer is taking “positive action” or where the employer is complying with a statutory obligation.
Compensation for successful discrimination claims is unlimited and, as well as compensation for any financial losses attributable to the discrimination, it can include sums for injury to feelings and personal injury.
Time limits
If you think you may have been discriminated against by your employer (past, current or future) you should seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity as there are very strict time limits for claims to be presented to the Employment Tribunal. Normally you must issue your claim within three months from the date of the discriminatory act complained of.
Let us help
We have a team of specialist employment law solicitors who can advise you on the merits of your potential discrimination claims. We can help you analyse whether discrimination has occurred and what options you have going forwards.
To contact us with any enquiry, please fill in the following form so that a relevant legal advisor can contact you as soon as possible.
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