Renewable energy services given priority by planner

News  |   3 July 2015

In a case which underlined the priority being given by planners to renewable energy sources, proposals for a solar energy park have been approved by the High Court despite objections from a neighbouring landowner.

In a case which underlined the priority being given by planners to renewable energy sources, proposals for a solar energy park – comprising almost 54,000 photovoltaic panels on agricultural moorland – have been approved by the High Court despite objections from a neighbouring landowner.

The objector argued that planning permission granted for the project was irrational on its face in that it did not make adequate provision for cabling to be laid to the national grid from the 28.6 hectare site. It was also submitted that ecological concerns relating to cabling trenches had not been given sufficient weight.

In rejecting the judicial review challenge, however, the Court found that the wording of the consent was perfectly clear and that there was nothing inconsistent in the council’s treatment of the cabling issue. All relevant considerations – including ecological matters – had properly been taken into account.

Contact: Yildiz Betez